Champions For North Barrington
Three TRUSTEE Candidate Slate
"North Barrington is a unique and peaceful place to live.
We want to keep our Village this way. We will respect your tax dollars,
protect property values and lead with integrity. "
Martin, Robin & Rick
Hold the line on taxes and maintain a balanced budget.
Protect our property values and beautiful open spaces.
Lead with integrity, solve problems and put community before politics.
"I am a firm believer that democracy works when we all take an active part in enabling the future we envision."
Martin Pais, Current Trustee
Village of North Barrington
28 Year Resident
"My goal in serving as Trustee is to help create a platform for the citizens of North Barrington to present ideas and initiatives to make our community a better place to live."
Robin Kelleher, Current Trustee
Village of North Barrington
10 Year Resident
"I’ve lived in the village for over 30 years, yet every week as a Trustee I learn something new.
As Trustee, I’ll work to communicate the hidden gems of North Barrington with my fellow residents. "
Rick Mignano, Current Trustee
Village of North Barrington
35 Year Resident
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We're ready to work on protecting our natural resources, support a balanced budget, look for additional ways to protect the future legacy of the Village of North Barrington long-term for our future generations.